
Wind Farms

Mayor Achievements Contractor

Gastre Wind Farm, province of Chubut, 1350 MW

  • Stage 1 studies, Connection to SADI- Studies associated to Annex 40 of PT1.
  • Proposal of alternatives of connection and technical and economical evaluation of each one of them, in order to choose the most convenient alternative.
  • Preparation of the required documents for the Access Request of the transmission system of the area.
  • Preparation of the basic pre-design that allows the determination of budgets and Operation and Maintenance Cost (OyM). Preparation of a payment chronogram.
  • Development of Basic Engineering.
  • Development of Environmental Impact Studies of the interconnection in 500 kV between Gastre and Piedra del Águila Substations.


Diadema Wind Farm (7 x 0,9 MW=6,3 MW)

  • Performance of Uprating Studies of the 132 KV Transmission System of TRANSPA. Stage 1 studies
  • Performance of Stage 2 studies

Tests according to Technical Procedure Nº 4 of CAMMESA for the aerogenerators of ENERCON.

Hychico S.A.

Stage 1 and pre-feasibility studies of the Interconnection of Corti Wind Farm (Province of Buenos Aires) to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI), composed by 50 aerogenerators GAMESA model G8X of 2 MW of nominal power each one, interconnected to a new Susbtation.

Greenwind S.A. 2010

Electrical pre-feasibility studies of the interconnection of La Banderita Wind Farm (PELB) near the locality of General Acha (Province of La Pampa). The wind farm will incorporate to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) a maximum power of 50 MW (25 aerogenerators of the VESTAS type, model V80 of 2 MW each one).

Parques Eólicos
Vientos del Sur S.A. - 2010

Stage 1 studies, Interconnection of a wind farm to the south of the province of Neuquén, called Parque Eólico Alto Valle (PEAV) which will incorporate to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) a maximum power of 100 MW (50 aerogenerators of the VESTAS type, model V80 of 2 MW each one).

Parques Eólicos del
Alto Valle S.A. 2010

Electrical pre-feasibility studies corresponding to the interconnection of General Acha Wind Farm (PEGA), near the locality of General Acha (Province of La Pampa). This Wind Farm will incorporate 50 MW to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI).

IMPSA Wind S.A. - 2010

Stage 1 studies required for the Technical Procedures of CAMMESA, corresponding to the Access Request to Las Armas Wind Farm (PELA), in the province of Buenos Aires. This farm will incorporate to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) a maximum power of 46 MW (23 aerogenerators of the VESTAS type, model V80 of 2 MW each one) in the last trimester of 2012.

Parques Eólicos
Vientos del Sur S.A. - 2010

Stage 1 studies, Interconnection of VIENTOS DEL SECANO WIND FARM (PEVS) in the locality of Mayor Buratovich (South of the Province of Bs. As.) to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI), composed by 25 aerogenerators of the VESTAS type, model V90 of 2 MW of nominal power each one, interconnected to the new Mayor Buratovich Substation.

ABO Wind 2007-2008

Electrical Studies of 15 kV Electrical Interconnection of Agroland Wind Farm.

  • Studies of electrical functioning in stationary state of the 15 kV network, which links the Wind Power generators installed in the Agro-industrial establishment La Bettina, Agroland (Uruguay), to the network from UTE (38 km).
  • Starting-up of aerogenerators of the Establishment La Bettina, Agroland.
  • Measurements of Harmonics.
  • Studies of Harmonics.
    • Studies of harmonics and of frequency behavior of the network.
    • Calculation of harmonics flows through the network.
    • Design of Filters of Harmonics.

Agroland S.A.

Electrical interconnection of the new 19 de Abril Wind Farm to the UTE network, property of Nuevo Manantial S.A.

Analysis of electrical performance in transient and stationary state of the internal network of the Wind Farm in 20 kV and 12,5 kV, which links the new 19 de Abril substation located 32 km from Rocha Substation (Uruguay). The studies performed correspond to two alternatives:

  • Base Case, the connection of 12 aerogenerators of 500 kW and 4 aerogenerators of 1 MW, totalizing 10 MW installed.
  • Alternative, Idem of the previous one, incorporating also 2 aerogenerators of 1 MW each one, totalizing 12 MW installed.

Nuevo Manantial S.A.

Electrical studies of connection of two aerogenerators in the Oilfield “El Tordillo”, province of Chubut.

An electrical performance analysis in stationary state has been carried out on the electrical system of the Oilfield, so as to tests the performance with the interconnection of two aerogenerators to the busbar of 10.4 kV of one of the two transformers of the Substation that supplies this system.

Starting-up tests and homologation of control models.

ENARSA - TecPetrol S.A.

Estudio de Impacto Ambiental Línea de Alta Tensión 132 kV El Trapial – Loma de la Lata.

  • Descripción del Medio Ambiente en el área de influencia de la traza: Clima, Geología, Hidrografía, Suelo, Sistema socio-económico, Infraestructura, Demografía, Flora, Fauna.
  • Identificación y caracterización de impactos: El impacto visual de las líneas de transmisión, Efectos de los campos eléctrico y magnético, Medidas de mitigación, Matriz de la evaluación de impactos ambientales.
  • Plan de gestión ambiental.
  • Plan de monitoreo.
  • Plan de contingencias.

Chevron San Jorge S.R.L. (2003)