
Photovoltaic Farm

Mayor Achievements Contractor

Photovoltaic Power Plant 1.2MWp “SOLAR SAN JUAN I”. The services carried out are the following:

  • Studies and management for the connection to the Electric Wholesale Market
  • Applicable environmental studies
  • Engineering and Designs of SMEC Project
  • Starting-up tests and connection to the Network

COMSA de Argentina S.A.

“Las Lomitas” Photovoltaic Power Plant 2 MWp, Albardón (San Juan). The services carried out are within the following scope:

  • Feasibility Studies for the connection to the distribution network.
  • Environmental feasibility studies.


San Luis 500 kWp Solar Power Plant.

  • Feasibility study for the connection to the distribution network.
  • Preliminary design of installations for the connection to the network.